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Words of Wisdom

1.    You have the Blessing of speech, use it to be a blessing to someone else. Try to say something nice to everyone!

2.    If you want encouraging things to come out of your mouth, you have to put encouraging things into your heart!

3.    It takes a thought to defeat a thought. Replace negative with positive. Think Jesus, Peace, long life, and a happy ending! Change         your thinking... change your life!

4.    The devil says you're not good enough, but the devil is a liar. You may need a "Restart", but the devil is still a liar!

5.    It doesn't cost a thing to be nice, to listen, to talk to someone for a minute, to let them know that they matter. Who can you bless         today?

6.    My house may be a little dusty, but my Bibles are not.

7.    The best that I can do might not be the best that you can do, but it is the best that I can do!

8.    What if we all made the effort to be considerate, thinking first about what someone else needs - a smile, a hug, a kiss, or just a              touch on the hand? What if?

9.    You are enough just as you are. With all the little things that make you wonderful, and even those things that you're still working on, just as you are, you are enough!
10.    Life doesn't have to be complicated. All it takes is love, faithfulness, and being considerate!
11.    God knows where you're at. But most importantly, He knows where you're going to be if you will trust Him and move forward!
12.    You can't have the "new you" without letting go of the "old you". What are you willing to leave behind in order to move forward?
13.    Do something that matters for someone else today, and every day. Do something that matters
14.    What little thing could you do for someone else today that would mean a lot to them? It's the little things that matter!
15.    Calm thoughts today. Peace, love, thoughtfulness, consideration, gentleness, and Shalom be with you. Rest in Jesus. Calm thoughts!
16.    "You get it"... Child-like faith, Angels singing, Peace on earth, and Happy endings, it's Christmas time. What are you asking for?
17.    Don't be a victim of the flimsy excuse. Sometimes it takes such a small effort to make someone else happy. Be considerate. The flimsy excuse makes no one happy!
18.    Your vision for yourself, your future, can be the only thing that will keep the world from overwhelming you.
19.    Have a vision of who you are in Christ, of what you're doing, and where you're headed. "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Prov. 29:18)
20.    If you don't have a vision for your life, the world will give you one, but you won't like it!
21.    Find that old vision you had for yourself. You know, the one that's in the closet. Get it out. Dust it off. Wrap it up. Put it under your Christmas tree. It's your vision, keep it!
22.    It's important to overhaul you vision. It's important to keep your vision in front of you. It's important to be able to tell the world to, "Back Off, I have a vision!"
23.    If your dreams in life have not come out the way you wanted, maybe it's time to get some new ones. It's never too late to get a vision!
24.    Your vision for yourself, your future, can be the only thing that will keep the world from overwhelming you.
25.    It's important to overhaul you vision. It's important to keep your vision in front of you. It's important to be able to tell the world to, "Back Off, I have a vision!"
26.    If you have a vision of a happier tomorrow, a Friend in Jesus, and a promise to be fulfilled, not only are you an interesting person, you're never alone!
27.    God is with us. Merry Christmas!
28.    Why wouldn't we believe in miracles? God IS with us!
29.    Are you watching for miracles, the activity of the Holy Spirit in your life? God IS with us!
30.    This would be a good time to ask for something. Jesus, God the Son, is with us. He has every promise covered! GOD IS WITH US!
31.    He hath delivered my soul in Peace from the battle that was against me. (Psalm 55:18)
32.    Make your New Year’s Resolution something that you "will do". Make the New You someone that you "will like"!
33.    Don't be afraid to make a New Year Resolution. Dream big, but start small enough so that you can do it. A start is a start!
34.    What are you willing to do to like the new you?
35.    Is going back to "Egypt" calling you? You won't like the outcome.
36.    Do you have a clear vision for your life? It's never to late to start a new one!
37.    Having a vision, moving forward, and trusting Jesus, you're going to like the New You!
38.    Don't be afraid to start over and move forward. The New You and the New Year awaits you!
39.    It's not too late to get excited about your possibilities!
40.    It's important to be happy. If you can move forward, then move forward. But if you can't, be happy where you are!
41.    You have to be either brave or foolish to take a step into the unknown. It would be foolish to take it without Jesus!
42.    When you're trusting Jesus, you can still make mistakes. But you will always bounce right back. Jesus will not let you fall!
43.    What makes a women beautiful? The glow in her eyes when she sees you; the desire to hear what you say; the longing to be near you; the loving way she overlooks your foolish mistakes... BEAUTIFUL!
44.    Do you know someone who makes you feel really special? I don't need to tell you what to do, do I? (love Him and don't let go) His name is Jesus!
45.    If you want a new beginning, of course you have to move forward. But don't move forward without Jesus!
46.    Do something that will improve you. You're going to like the New You!
47.    Don't limit God by small thinking!
48.    When you trust Jesus with your future, and move forward, it's a done deal. It may take a little time to see the outcome, but keep moving forward. It's a done deal!
49.    If you really want to move forward this year, the first thing you have to change is your mind!
50.    Has God convicted you about something? Ignoring it is not going to make anything better!
51.    Are you putting everything else in front of taking care of yourself?
a.    By taking care of yourself you're putting God first. For now you're able to serve and fulfill your purpose in life!
52.    When you're part of the Big picture with Christ, you're moving forward!
53.    The next step... is the step that you're always the most proud of. Keep moving forward!
54.    If there's a promise of God that you need, name it and claim it in Jesus Name ------ If there's an attack that you don't want, don't name it or claim it. Don't give it any power at all!
55.    Dealing with set backs is life. Moving forward again is living!
56.    If you're living in "man's time," you're probably doing everything just right -- But if you want to live in "God's time," you'll have to believe what others don't or can't believe...that ALL the promises of God are yours through Christ Jesus!
57.    "I like me!" Try saying that to yourself all day long, and see how good you feel!
58.    The devil loves nothing better than a late term abortion of your hopes, and dreams, and prayers. Go full term with Jesus!
59.    I'm going to live to be 120 --- or --- die trying!
60.    Don't look at who you are. See who you are becoming!
61.    One of the best ways to hide from life is to stay busy!
62.    Jesus has already worked out your victory! Are you going to be on board?
63.    Once you're in the fight, the answer is always the same... take another step!
64.    If you're not seeing God's miracles in your life, you're not looking for them!
65.    God may give you a resting place for a moment, but we're growing up and "growing up" is a continuous process!
66.    Now that the resolutions are over, and the pressure is off, just between the two of us, what could you do to make yourself happier this year?
67.    Big thinkers don't get upset over small things!
68.    Leaving Jesus out of your vision for tomorrow, is like leaving your car in the garage and think you're going somewhere!
69.    If you have a vision, you have a purpose. If you have a purpose, you have a life!
70.    Have the courage to try again.
71.    Why live with regret? Try again. Move forward!
72.    One safe way to never be hurt again is to never let yourself love again. But then, everyone loses.
73.    What you put into life (into living, loving, sharing, and caring) is what you'll get out of life!
74.    How happy do you want to be? You do have possibilities!
75.    Lighten up! If Jesus is going to get the credit in your life, lighten up!
76.    We should never stop growing spiritually!
77.    Are you coach-able? Jesus said, "Follow Me." Then the Master went around doing good! (Acts 10:38)
78.    The devil is always reminding you about what you did. Jesus is only interested in what you're going to do!
79.    The easiest way to be encouraged is to encourage someone else!
80.    Jesus has "boots on the ground". He's got you!
81.    Add something. Always be growing, learning, and stretching yourself. Have something to add to life!
82.    Time can take it's toll, but having a vision can reset the clock!
83.    Believe for something BIG. Plan for a miracle. In Jesus Name... Expect nothing less!
84.    When God says "NO" to you, it means He has something better for you!
85.    Life and love are serious. Don't take either for granted!
86.    You can't buy love, because love is a gift!
87.    Give yourself a chance to be happy. Give love a chance!
88.    You guys, it doesn't take much to make your "Honey" happy. A hug, a kiss, hold her tight, tell her you love her, and a flower would be nice. (It's the holding her tight that does the trick!)
89.    Every opportunity to show your sweetheart how much you love them is priceless!
90.    Every day is a good day to let someone Special know that you appreciate them!
91.    If you're going to forget something, forget about "getting old." Grow... "Grow old," as sheaves gathered in season!
92.    Life can be scary. But I'm more afraid of life passing me by than I am of taking the next step!
93.    Every time you move forward, the first step is the hardest!
94.    Your smile can change your day, and someone else's too!😃
95.    You may not know where you're going, but if you're following Jesus, He does!😀
96.    What the flesh feels and what the Spirit says is an on going battle... If you don't feed on the Word of God, the flesh wins!
97.    Bounce back. We might be afraid, but we can take life one step at a time. We can bounce back!
98.    Life is too short not to laugh at yourself and see the ridiculous.😀
99.    Life is too short not to thank the Father through His Son for the opportunities that are before you today!
100.    Life is too short not to hug a little longer!
101.    Life is too short not to thank Jesus for God's favor surrounding you like a shield!
102.    Life is too short not to forgive, forget, and move on!
103.    Life is to short not to be reaching out for the best!
104.    Life is to short not to believe for something really good in Jesus name!
105.    PUT YOUR BAND-AIDS UP. Life is too short not to kiss and make it better!
106.    The first step in getting the Blessings of God is knowing that you deserve the Blessings of God!
107.    Life is too short for DRAMA!
108.    Life is to short not to like who you're becoming!
109.    If you belong to Jesus, tell someone what He's done for you!
110.    Feel alone? Feel sorry for yourself? Change how you feel with a thought... "I'm loved by Jesus, and the best is yet to come!"
111.    Jesus thinks you're wonderful. He only remembers the good!
112.    Feel good about the "something" that you do, and not guilty about not having done everything!
113.    If I waited to know what I was doing before getting started, I wouldn't have accomplished much!
114.    Speaking the Name of Jesus gives you Peace... Start talking!
115.    Get a picture in your mind of you being happy in the future. Now you have a vision!
116.    You are either moving forward, or you're being left behind... Ouch!
117.    Power! Start speaking God's promises and learn the Power of your words!
118.    If your next step forward isn't a little scary, you're not taking a big enough step!
119.    Purpose is everything. Have a purpose. Work with Jesus for a purpose... It could be fun! 😀
120.    If you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders, you're trying to do Jesus' job!
121.    You strike the spark. Trust the Holy Spirit to blow it into a flame!
122.    If you're in control, don't get too excited, that means the Holy Spirit is not!
123.    Have a God moment. Talk to Jesus and then listen!
124.    The Holy Spirit is shining, shining the light of Christ on us, but our drama can block it out!
125.    If you know you're going to win... going through the struggles of life is just a thing!
126.    You are enough. And, with Jesus in your heart you're beautiful, and more than enough!
127.    Thinking has stopped more people from doing God's will than anything else. Step out of the boat!
128.    Don't be afraid to go for the best in life. Even if you can't have it, at least you weren't afraid to try!
129.    Winners never lose. They may take a defeat, but they know that they tried. That's what makes them a winner!
130.    Until you have felt the sting of defeat, you won't know how good the kiss of victory tastes!
131.    Taking a defeat will hurt you for a moment, but not trying never stops hurting!
132.    Just because you don't see anything happening, doesn't mean that God is not working!
133.    Having someone tell you "NO" is not the worst thing that could happen... they could have said... "YES!"
134.    Head up. Shoulders back. Everyone who sees you is seeing Jesus in you!
135.    Have a purpose. Call on Jesus for help, and glorify Him! "Call on Me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will glorify Me!" (Ps. 50:15)
136.    Jesus will never say to me, "Why didn't you try?" He may say, "Why didn't you get out of My way?"😁
137.    When you pray, listen, and believe... God hears, answers, and moves!
138.    You have a glow about you when led by the Holy Spirit. You're "Eye Candy!"
139.    Life has become a run-a-way train leaving us little choice but to get on board. Make sure you have a ticket for Jesus!
140.    You're not really living until you have a purpose, a mission from Jesus and for Jesus!
141.    People only see what you show them. Show them Jesus!
142.    Jesus walks and talks with those that follow Him! Hmmm!
143.    The promises of the Lord are a sure thing, because Jesus is able to keep them!
144.    Let not your heart be troubled. Jesus cares for you!
145.    Those who seek will find. This is an irrefutable truth!
146.    Those who knock, to them it will be opened. This is an unchangeable truth!
147.    Jesus can only offer you the promises of God. What you do with them is up to you!
148.    Step forward with the promise of God that you know, and Jesus will give you the next step!
149.    If you'll put your whole trust into the hands of Jesus, you will not be led astray!
150.    You're Special. But, if you don't believe that you have value, no one else will either!
151.    Hold fast to the teachings of Jesus, and you'll have more joy in whatever you do!
152.    Become a "constructive influence" in your world, and your help will come from the Lord!
153.    If you're focused on LIVING (living the command to "Follow Me!"), you won't need to be concerned about dying!
154.    Exercising is not something you have to do, it's something you GET to do!
155.    If people don't see love, kindness, and forgiveness in you, they won't care where you go to church!
156.    Seek Jesus while He may be found. Learn of Him while you still have time!
157.    Listen to your words. Are you building yourself up in Christ, or are you entertaining the devil?
158.    Regret is an awful thing to live with. It's even worst to die with. DO WHAT YOU KNOW TO DO!
159.    If it's just you and Jesus, that's enough!
160.    As a tree falls, so will it lay. (Ecc. 11:3)  Who will you be?
161.    When life appears the darkest, Jesus will comfort and cheer you!
162.    Have convictions. Know what you believe, and what you want to accomplish!
163.    Keep your hope alive. Because if it's not hopeful, It's not Jesus!
164.    Be constructive in what you think, say, and do. Be an influence for good!
165.    Jesus will pick you up when others let you down!
166.    Seek whatever you need from Jesus, but don't demand it.  Let God be God!
167.    Learn of Jesus.  Then teach the next generation.  The hope of the world depends on it!
168.    Do you have foresight?  Do you like what you see?
169.    Jesus, your God, your Messiah, has need of you!
170.    Let the gladness of having Jesus and His opportunities spur you on.
171.    One secret is to have A SET TIME every day to meet with Jesus. Learn to hear His voice!
172.    Be enlivened. Meet with Jesus at A SET TIME. As you do, you'll be encouraged, strengthened, and ENLIVENED!
173.    Jesus wants to give you God's Blessings.  Give Him a chance...serve Him with gladness!
174.    Jesus is always near.  Call on Him. He will always answer SPEEDILY!
175.    You're not perfect, okay? That's no reason not to call on Jesus who is always near you!
176.    Ask in Jesus Name, and believe!  Then be an example of Jesus with those you inter act with!
177.    "You will know a tree by the fruit it bears."  You will know a man by the fruit he bears!
178.    May all my prayers be EARNEST, with no doubts or fears!
179.    Don't let doubt creep in. When sincere faith calls to God for help, God answers SPEEDILY!
180.    With Jesus " within you,"   you have nothing to fear "without you!"
181.    Find your place to serve in the "Kingdom," and you'll find your strength to LIVE!
182.    You only live one moment at a time. Glorify Jesus by being kind, patient, and loving with your moments!
183.    God will pour out His blessings on you if you will "hearken to Him!" (listen and obey)
184.    Jesus will not fail you, if you will hearken to Him!
185.    Jesus went about doing Good.  Trust Him completely this Good Friday and He will do you Good!
186.    Going to the Cross, Jesus suffered for us, died for us, and has taken our place for sin
187.    Your Redeemer lives!  He rose for you.  He lives in you.  He loves you!
188.    "I'm the one Jesus loves!"  He rose for me!  Say it. Mean it!
189.    God doesn't want anyone to be sad or troubled.  Then, let's be loving, faithful, and kind to everyone!
190.    All force and power belong to Jesus.  Follow Him in love - being kind, and His power will be in you!
191.    Your opportunities depend upon your use of your opportunities!
192.    With God nothing is impossible.  In Jesus Name, believe for SOMETHING!
193.    Jesus is Greater!  He who is in you is Greater than they who would harm you.  Got problems? Jesus is Greater!
194.    Fears and doubts...Put them behind you.  Faith and hope...Put Jesus in front of you!
195.    Indecision creates fear.  Moving forward one step at a time shows faith!
196.    Keep your life clean, and Jesus will direct you.  He'll make you a "rock" that He can use!
197.    Look to the Faithfulness of Jesus, count on His Faithfulness. Your doubts and fears will fall far, far behind you!
198.    Prepare to follow Jesus. Practice kindness, mercy, patience, and doing good. Prepare for your New Normal!
199.    Don't hearken to the flesh, but listen to and trust Jesus to satisfy you. He will do you Good!
200.    Show more love, kindness, and forgiveness, and you'll be shown more love, kindness, and forgiveness! Hmmm!
201.    If you have Jesus, fear not... "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world!"  (1 Jn. 4:4)
202.    If God is for you, fear not... Those that are with you are greater than those that would hinder! ( 2 Kings 6:16 )
203.    If you've acted unseemly, quickly ask Jesus for forgiveness, and move on! You're forgiven!
204.    Make your decisions LIFE GIVING decisions. Ask Jesus, "What would YOU have me do?"
205.    Lose your worries... by helping someone else. Do it for Jesus!
206.    Be content, but not satisfied.  Be content, but always developing... ALWAYS becoming!
207.    Let your spiritual life take the lead in who you are, and who you are becoming!
208.    What spirit is leading you? Whose kingdom gets the credit for your thoughts, actions, and attitude?
209.    By choosing to serve Jesus, there is no condemnation... only a purposeful life!
210.    Be patient. In being patient we become aware of life itself!
211.    Think constructively!  Think Jesus!  Negative thoughts, and negative thinking won't help!
212.    Be generous with your patience, time, and love. What you give away, you posses.
213.    Don't envy or covet anyone, or anyone's position or place. 
214.    Keep your eyes on Jesus, and be "you,"  NO ONE ELSE CAN!
215.    How can you overcome your worries?  Fill your mind with Jesus!
216.    Being "GROUCHY" will never accomplish what being happy and fun loving can do!
217.    Let your heart be lifted up by trusting Jesus. And you'll hear a "Well Done!"
218.    Let patience and tolerance fit you like a glove... Your New Normal!
219.    Clothe yourself each day with patience and understanding for All, be the One who does not Judge, Starting with You!
220.    Before you go out to Tend the Lord's Garden... put on your gloves... patience and tolerance... and they will protect you from the thorns and help you to get the Lord's work done!  
221.    Encourage others from your heart, expecting nothing in return!
222.    Don't regret your past. Do what you can do for Jesus, today. That's all that's required!
223.    When you're sure you're on the right path, and you follow it, you have nothing to fear!
224.    Don't tell God what to do. Ask God to use you as He sees fit!
225.    God lives!  He does all things well! (whether we understand it or not!)

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